Lindy LaDow

I worked with Lindy to create a visual identity and website for her online coaching business. I helped design and develop a brand identity, craft a responsive website as well as a foundational product strategy to begin rolling out her online coaching.

Key Contributions

Brand, Visual, and Web Development

ChatGPT - Figma - HTML/CSS/JavaScript - Photoshop - Trello - Webflow

Overview of the main web pages of the website.


Intertwining a general overview, introduction and descriptions of the service, compelling users towards a clear call to action. Utilizing motion elements injects a sense of dynamism and feedback.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Areas of Focus

Pages introducing to the subject matter, providing a quick overview. They then delve deeper into the topic by exploring three key concepts in detail, offering a comprehensive understanding. Finally, the pages showcase the most recent articles written within the category, ensuring visitors have access to the latest content.


The blog page showcases an array of topics curated for diverse interests. Users can explore articles by selecting filters tailored to their preferences.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup


The contact page offers a simple and efficient means for users to reach out.

Newsletter Signup

A page designed specifically for newsletter sign-up initiatives. Useful as structural page and for any sort of linking in support social media, etc.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup


The appointment page streamlines the process of scheduling a consultation, offering users a convenient way to book their appointments.

Responsive Design

All pages of the website are meticulously designed to be fully responsive, ensuring usability across various devices and screen sizes. The responsive design enhances accessibility and user satisfaction, enabling effortless navigation and interaction throughout the website.

User Flows & Wireframes

These visual blueprints served as a foundation, guiding the design process and ensuring a relatively seamless user experience. An invaluable companion when developing the visual aspect.

Product Development

Outline of a process to expand on one concept to reach into all verticals. The intent is to integrate with as little friction as possible actions that support the product into general life activities.

Client Tools

I provided tools to continue with the project and at a minimum maintain trajectory. Three very important aspects were: email templates, a custom CMS field guide, and brand visual guidelines to help ensure independent consistency moving forward.

General Takeaway

Helping to materialize a set of ideas through design and technology is really what I enjoy doing and this project required consideration of nearly all facets involved. Of particular note during the process were the importance of client discussions and strategic listening.